Friday, January 2, 2009

My resolutionary post of the New Year ... and an introduction to an incredible writer

To start off, I might as well wish everyone a Happy New Year and all the other things that go along with it . . . like resolutions which you know will never work, but for some reason you still make them. For example, you may wish to exercise faithfully (the typical resolution, one which I really need), or you may wish to become a couch tomato and spend more time watching TV, eating chips and drinking soda. Anyway . . . I haven't created an extensive list of unattemptable resolutions, just kind of basic things I should be getting done, such as having my quiet time with God every day and getting my college application sent in and finishing a decent portion of my novel.

Now I want to introduce a writer whom I discovered in the now-vanished year of 2008. Jeff Gerke is the creator of and Marcher Lord Press, both of which are devoted to the rise of Christian speculative fiction. MLP launched on October 1, 2008, with three fantastic books and will be releasing three more in the near future--I totally can't wait. Jeff is also a book doctor, and, on a totally unrelevant note of interest, his family is planning to adopt a baby girl from China (follow the journey here as they "bring Sophie home").

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